As the swine flu “pandemic” is spreading, I recommend that you read up on the Miracle Mineral Supplement MMS and buy some before it becomes unavailable… the MMS is distributed by “amateur” enthusiasts (which doesn’t make it ineffective, it only makes it scarce and cheap 🙂
The MMS was discovered as an incredibly powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal agent about 10-15 years ago by Jim Humble. He wrote a book about it, taught people how to make it, and is committed to make it available for humanity, which I wholeheartedly support him with.
I am taking it. I am seeing amazing results. I don’t want to talk about that in this article, I want to get this out fast for people who want to have real insurance against any pandemic, like the swine flu.
Buy MMS. Make sure you are protected. And download the first, free part of Jim Humble’s book on MMS and swine flu.
The second book is mainly how to make it yourself, but it can still be bought on ebay fairly cheaply, so go there and search for MMS. Or go to MMS Miracle. For every bottle you buy, I’ll donate another one to my community.