Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs

I first participated in what is now called Landmark Education back in 1985, the last weekend of August, in Haifa Israel. I lived in an immigration hostel, I worked as an architect and town planner in Jerusalem and I was miserable. In quick succession two Russian immigrants killed themselves: I knew and liked them both. … Continue reading “”

Defending Your Life Movie Illustrating Raising Your Vibration

Defending Your Life This is a review of the movie, Defending Your Life, from the point of view of raising your vibration. How does higher vibration look to you if it is your own higher vibration? How would you know? What would the world look like? These are the questions I attempt to answer in … Continue reading “”

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Tr. Blessing, Tr. Foundation

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, etc. Everything. Under 500… won’t raise your vibration. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source Trivedi energies, blessing: 195 (They are Dark Side energies, that’s why the low vibration) Trivedi, … Continue reading “”

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Case Study #1: Humanity in Unity with Sai Maa

if you want to earn your vibrational raise, you need to directly connect to Source… not easy, but possible for every human. Why is it so hard? For two reasons: 1. you were indoctrinated that you are small, puny…

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Talking About Flying Isn’t

Talking About Flying Isn’t. Understanding Flying Isn’t. Explaining How To Fly Isn’t Flying Either. Only Flying Is Flying. I have been observing my “competition”. Competition? you say. Does that mean that you are writing this article form the competitive field? No, I said it in quotation marks, noticed? I have a unique meaning to competition… … Continue reading “”

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2 Simple Meditation Techniques to Practice Daily

This is an article I copied from someone’s blog. This article is a great example of how meditation is taught. Meditation is an ancient technique, and its main purpose was to gain insight into life, into nature, into how the world works through going withing and upwards. It wasn’t practiced to get healthy, to get … Continue reading “”

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