I’m amazed at what we can learn from plants…on a teleconference call the other night, the speaker shared a wonderful tale. She said that the Biosphere in Arizona (remember that experiment to have the ideal conditions for lifetime, inside a male-made ‘bubble’?) learned something wonderful from trees. They had planted trees inside the Biosphere, and found that when the trees reached a certain height, they just fell over – all of them. They studied the trees and found no disease or sickness. What they learned is that without wind, the trees were not able to develop strong enough root systems, and so they could only grow so tall and then they’d topple over. So the trees needed something to push them, to challenge them, in order for them to grow strong, supportive root systems. Those root systems would not only aid them be stable in storms and other terrible weather, however much more importantly, their sturdy root systems were necessary for the trees to much stand up!
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