Yesterday and today was the story of identifying and eliminating Dark Side “suckers.” By suckers I actually mean energy attachments that are designed to kill, paralyze, or control.
Yesterday and today was the story of identifying and eliminating Dark Side “suckers.” By suckers I actually mean energy attachments that are designed to kill, paralyze, or control.
The Dark Side… What is the Dark Side? What I originally thought the Dark Side was, has, over time, gone through a lot of changes, from the mundane to the sophisticated. If you look, we have approximately as much information and clarity about the Dark Side as we have about the dark side of the … Continue reading “”
Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke Of Insight, Or The Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace Jill Bolte personal vibration: 245 her story and teaching: 296 truth value: 235 What is the term for the passages between the two hemispheres of the brain? Anyone knows? I have been trying to find out what is the proper word … Continue reading “”
It my be interesting to you to track how the activation of the Original Design is advancing. I made a page where you can see the country name, the population, and whether it’s been activated or not. I consider adding the starting vibrational frequency as well… may be a lot of work though. There are … Continue reading “”
Wallace D. Wattles, Dark Entities Dressed in White Robes, 100 to 7 Billion Wallace D. Wattles personal vibration: 735 The Science of Getting Rich: 675 The Science of Being Well: 350 The Science of Being Great: 510 Wallace D. Wattles is an obscure writer, who came from obscurity, was visible for 3 years and then … Continue reading “”
Full Activation of Your Original Design In light of the test subjects that received their activation one-on-one and in the Tangerine state (theta) I am starting to see some startling things that can be expected after your full activation. Although, your experience may be different, especially if you got your activation as part of mass … Continue reading “”
I dealt with Dark Side intrusions all day. Finally I decided to cloak myself and stay quiet. Invisible, undetectable. In the evening, after hours of procrastination, I activated the entire United States. I checked the vibration. 143. It will be interesting to see how fast or how slow it changes. And this is after activation … Continue reading “”
Project: Full Activation of All Humans on Planet Earth Phase 1 Target vibrational frequency: 299 Standard vibrational frequency before the activation: 151 From my journal: Sunday morning I called N. in desperation. I felt alone, I felt desperation and hopelessness. It didn’t seem possible to cause a planetary shift even if I prepared a network … Continue reading “”
Increase Your Confidence by Raising your Vibration As part of my effort to support you in realizing your potential with your new fully activated self, I recommend that you watch this Star Trek, The Next Generation episode: you’ll be surprised how similar the phenomenon in this old movie is to what happens in real life … Continue reading “”
Activation of the 10 billion nadis Individual and partial activation downloads didn’t, in my experience, cause any symptoms other than an increase in capacities. I am learning that full activation actually has some “healing crisis” type symptoms associated. The circuits that weren’t used (ever) because they weren’t activated, once active, start burning off the crust. … Continue reading “”