When governments fear people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. — Thomas Jefferson It’s hard to decide who is afraid of who. My students asked yesterday on the call: “Are you going to be safe, Sophie?” It is not my path to be safe. In 1988 I learned a … Continue reading “”
Homing Device. Psychic Attacks, The Drama Unfolds: the Water Mystery Solved

I have been drinking energized water since 1996. It has made a huge difference in my health. I could say that my well-being increased 200-300%, or said another way, my malaise has decreased by more than half. A year or so ago the supplier of the energized water products went bankrupt and I started to … Continue reading “”
Soul Correction: ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH aka the settler for less, the procrastinator
ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH aka the settler for less, the procrastinator How many things, once important to you in your lives, have you lost? It could be a friendship that faded away or a job you once had. Maybe it was an ex who you ended things with on a sour note or a family … Continue reading “”
How And Why Does The Soaring Method Work To Alter The Future And Raise Your Vibration?

The Soaring Method works. No doubt about it. But how and why? These are the real questions. There are two principles, unknown to the 99-percenters, that make it work. You create your reality by looking at the world the same way as always, including yourself.When I compliment a student on something well done, I can … Continue reading “”
What is the organ of control for the Dark Side? I mean, how does the Dark Side take control of you?

I had an interesting discovery today. Children and adults that have played music, seriously, or sang professionally, or participated in athletics or gymnastics, or other competitive sports that required you to have good control over your body, are able to raise their vibration faster, connect better, and get the activators more fully than people who … Continue reading “”
The New World Order: How It Sneaks Up On You

You know I am a movie lover: every movie teaches me something it never intended to teach… it was an unconscious motivator of the movie makers… and this is what I want to talk to you about today. First, before you start thinking about Hollywood movies and other cliches, I am going to talk about … Continue reading “”
Who is the enemy? What is the enemy? How we are duped into being willing sheep and flaccid puppets…
I have known that we are sheep… I can see it. Everywhere. Thinking is not taught, not encouraged, only having thoughts. Critical thinking isn’t what gets you promoted in corporations, and besides, who has time for that with the television on 24/7. I spoke with a guy today who puts a micro speaker under his … Continue reading “”
When Creativity Is Not Flowing… How Did I Unstuck Myself From a Rut?

I haven’t written much, haven’t produced much of anything of creative nature on this site for a few weeks now. What’s my insight? I mean, it is becoming obvious that I am in a rut. I am the unstuck specialist so let’s take this “rut” apart, tear it to pieces, so we can choose an … Continue reading “”
Here it is, the secret technology to raise your vibration, instantly and permanently: validation

My Second Phase Activator class just had the hardest session ever: activating validation as a capacity. I will add to this post in a few hours, but for now, watch the movie that you must see to know what I mean by validation, ok? Here it is, straight from Youtube:
Raise Your Vibration: New Call Schedule
Here are the changes: 1. We eliminate connection calls for now, and replace them with Connection Drill Calls. it is free whether you are connected or not… and it’s about mastering your attention, your eyes, your muscle coordination, your will, your connection, feel that you are connected, connect and reconnect at will, step back… Drills. … Continue reading “”