Affirmations to Keep You on Track in Life

If you know me, you know that the misery I experienced in my life for 50 years drove me to many modalities of relief, including affirmations. Affirmations don’t work for me. Never did and never will. Why? Because affirmations are spoken from the mind: and the mind says so many things, a nice word here … Continue reading “”

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Coming Out Of Grief – The Process And the Problem

This article deals with the stages of healing, healing your grief. Denial, anger, fear, and so on. The most important distinction I can add is: check your cone of vision. If your cone of vision is narrow, everything is colored or filled with your grief: the context of life becomes your grief, independent of the … Continue reading “”

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What Is Sleep Hypnosis And How Does It Work?

Hypnosis is mysterious and peculiar. It is not fully understood. Some therapists are taught a very diluted version of hypnosis and they market themselves with statements about hypnosis that are not true. They are true to the techniques they use, but not to hypnosis. Here are six common misconceptions about hypnosis and their relevance to … Continue reading “”

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Are You Committed to Happiness?

Commitments are powerful. They are life transforming. When you commit to doing something, doors open and paths appear. When you commit in word and action, people appear to support you in your quest. Commitment leads to change. Decide what you are committed to and your life will change in that direction. What is a commitment? … Continue reading “”

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How To Manifest Anything or THE Missing Piece Of The Law Of Attraction Puzzle:

…Or How To Be In Vibrational Harmony With Money, Love, And Success How to Manifest Anything or the Missing Piece of the Law of Attraction Puzzle We all want to manifest our wants and needs. We all want miracles. We all want some divine assistance to solve our problems. But… How to Manifest Anything or … Continue reading “”

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The Anatomy Of Guidance: Ask For Guidance And Get The Guidance. Bagdad Cafe

Guidance: How to Ask And Get Guidance I have been asking for guidance, ever since I discovered that I can. According to Kabbalah, an 6000-year body of knowledge, the mistake I need to correct in this lifetime is thinking and behaving like there is nothing and no one who can know better than me. My … Continue reading “”

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Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human?

How To Raise Your Vibration? Become A Better Human Being, Practice Compassion What is gooD? wHAT IS the definition OF GOOD? The first question that you should ask when I suggest you become a better human being, is ‘what do you mean: better?’

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