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The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.A reader asked this question: What Do You Mix in a Water Pik for gums?
You can buy the formula (tooth and gum formula $20) on the above website, or your can make your own.
The ingredients in this formula are designed
stop the bleeding
tighten the gums
disinfect and reduce inflammation of the tissues
the hot hot habanero pepper is added to the mix to increase circulation for healing and stop the bleeding
Ingredients: White Oak bark, bayberry root bark (these are the astringent herbs to stop the bleeding and tightening the gums), tea tree oil (makes the hot flavor of the pepper seemingly disappear, also is a strong anti-fungal, anti-bacterial), echinacea angustifolia root (for antiseptic), habanero pepper and peppermint oil (for taste and for antiseptic). Make a alcoholic tincture with the ingredients. Ingredients: equal parts (volume, not weight)
mix the above into a fully filled water pik, and use it at least once a day.
The oils in the tincture will eat away on the rubber parts (washers) of the water pik if you don’t rinse it thoroughly after each use with at least half a container of clean water.
If you can’t find all the ingredients: use what you can find.
I have found that even a q-tip dipped in just tea tree oil does an extremely good job at fighting gum disease. Do it after using the water pik… and don’t rinse after the tea tree oil.There are lots of issues to be considered about the subject, and those that are heavily into the subject are likely to want to know more. Even if this article serves as no more than an introduction, nothing stops you from putting the information to good use.
Hello! You are now in the blog where you will find various articles, videos, links and photos that will surely spark your interest. This is a one stop website for all the information that you will need. There is a whole array of resources that are waiting to be discovered. Feel free to carry on reading and browse more articles like the one below. We have exciting resources that were gathered by our experts in the subject.
I have only shared this with friends, because it feels waaay too ambitious for one person.
I have pledged to plant two million trees in New York in the coming 5-6 years.
I have no idea how I am going to accomplish that, but I am committed.
I have found a website that sells hybrid poplar tree planting kits for schools, and that is how I am going to start.
I have one school, a Montessori School, that is interested. they even have a greenhouse. It is not heated, but it will probably work.
I will need to find out from City Hall, where we can plant them, and then we’ll be on our way.
In the meantime, I found an article that is of interest, here it goes:
Group Uses Poplar Trees to Dispose Sludge
By ESTES THOMPSON, Associated Press Writer
WHITAKERS, N.C. (AP) – After years of struggling with the dirty disposal problem of sludge from hog waste lagoons, researchers have come up with a possible green solution: poplar trees that suck up the waste like soda straws.
If the procedure works well enough to be approved by state water quality officials, it could more than cut in half the cost of closing a waste lagoon, currently done with bulldozers and dump trunks.
“It is a simple method,” said Frank Humenik, coordinator of the animal waste management program at North Carolina State University. Humenik has been working with Oregon researchers who have been experimenting the past few years with technology that relies on groves of fast-growing hybrid poplars to suck up waste.
Studies have found the trees can absorb nearly 3,000 gallons of effluent per acre per day, ridding the ground ammonia and nitrogen by safely metabolizing the compounds in their woody tissue.
Oregon State University water quality researcher Ron Minor said it could take 10 years before the trees clean the land well enough that it can be used again.
“Over time, the trees take up the nutrients and it is natural purification,” Humenik said. “With the trees, you have a harvestable product.”
The current method approved by the state of North Carolina to clean up hog lagoons is complex. First, the liquid is drained from the top of the lagoon onto existing sprayfields of grass at the farm. Then the farmer pays to have the sludge scooped out and trucked away to be spread thinly on acres of fields.
“We don’t like to haul that stuff around,” Humenik said. Humenik said the sludge usually isn’t welcomed by neighbors of the fields. The cost and politics of cleanup may be the reason only 20 lagoons were closed last year in the state, he said.
There are 1,700 inactive lagoons in North Carolina waiting cleanup and 4,500 more lagoons in use. North Carolina ranks second in hog production at 9.6 million animals, behind Iowa at 15 million head.
National Pork Board figures show one animal produces between 8,000 pounds and 64,000 pounds of waste a year, depending on its development.
Cleaning out a typical lagoon could cost as much as $40,000 an acre, not counting the cost of land on which to spread the sludge. The sludge can’t fertilize crops for human consumption. Humenik said the typical lagoon cleanup using the poplars would cost between $15,000 and $20,000 for a lagoon that is two to three acres.
The article below about the subject has received a lot of interest, more than any other on our site. We believe it’s because it pulls no punches. Yet, while it’s an important issue, it’s not all doom and gloom, there is another point of view that some find quite unorthodox, but workable.
This article has proven to be very useful to our readers and they come back regularly to keep abreast of the latest developments. While the subject remains an important subject, it’s always an added bonus when you can be enlightened, and even amused by being shown the other side of the issue. Some things are not always what they seem. Read on for more insight.
What will Swedish Bitters accomplish in my body?
This is one of the questions that a reader asked, so I will answer it publicly.
According to many, all disease is caused by some blockage. The blockage can be temporary or chronic. The blockage can be emotional, spiritual, or physical. According to this worldview, if you manage to restore flow of energy, blood, emotions, etc. you can restore health.
One of my heros, Dr. Richard Schulze, bases his entire practice on this premise. His nickname is Dr. Cayenne, because he puts cayenne peppers in all his herbal formulae and his formulas work.
I have, for example, managed to regain my intelligence after a major brain damage caused by loss of blood and a long surgery where they had me stand on my head for about 3 hours… I was sleeping, of course.
The surgery was successful, but I came out of it not being able to do elementary calculus, adding and substracting… very bad. Some higher functions were untouched, so I immediately put myself on Dr. Schulze’s brain formula (lots of cayenne pepper) and in 4 years I managed to return my IQ to where it was before the damage.
Now, to your exact question: what Swedish Bitters, a bunch of bitter herbs consumed on a daily basis do?
For one, it helps your elimination, which is, according to Dr. Schulze clinical experience, 95% of the time solves or starts to solve the problem.
In addition to that, the herbs cause the bile to flow, cause circulation to increase in areas where there has been slow or no circulation, and with the circulation, toxins, sludge, waste matters, etc. are taken out of the areas, and nutrients can enter.
This is, how I assume, it can effect fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other structural and muscular issues, eye sight, hearing, hair loss, skin tone and clarity, etc. This is a quotation from a swedish bitters site… of which are many on the internet.
If they are frequently breathed in or sniffed, the base of the skull is moistened or a moistened cloth applied to the head, they dispel PAIN AND DIZZINESS and strengthen the brain and MEMORY.
They aid dim eyes and take away redness and all pain, even if the EYES ARE INFLAMED. They rid them of SPOTS AND CATARACTS, if the corners are moistened In time or a moistened piece of cloth is applied to the closed bids.
PUSTULAS AND ECZEMA of all kinds, as SCABS in the nose or elsewhere on the body, are heeled, if they are often and well moistened.
For TOOTHACHE, a tablespoon of these drops is taken with a little water and kept in the mouth for a little while or the aching tooth is moistened. The pain soon eases and the putrefaction disappears.
BLISTERS ON THE TONGUE or other infirmities of the tongue are frequently moistened with drops and healing soon occurs.
If the THROAT IS HOT OR INFLAMED,so that food is only SWALLOWED WITH DIFFICULTY, these drops are swallowed slowly, morning, noon and evening and they take away the heat and heal the throat.
For STOMACH CRAMPS, 1 tablespoonful is taken.
For COLIC, 3 tablespoons are taken slowly, one after the other, and relief will soon be felt.
They rid the body of WIND[GAS] and cool the liver, eliminate all troubles of the intestines and stomach and help CONSTIPATION.
An excellent remedy for STOMACH DISORDERS, if the DIGESTION is faulty or food cannot be kept down.
They are beneficial for PAIN IN THE GALL BLADDER. 2 tablespoonful daily in the morning and evening and at night compresses and soon all pain will disappear.
For DROPSY, 1 tablespoon in white wine is taken in the morning and evening for 6 weeks.
For PAIN AND BUZZING IN THE EAR, a piece of cotton wool is moistened and put into the ear. It is very beneficial and brings back LOST HEARING.
For MORNING SICKNESS, 1 tablespoon of the drops in red wine is given in the morning for 3 days, half an hour later a walk is taken. Then breakfast with no milk. These drops should not be taken after drinking milk.
In the last 14 days of PREGNANCY, if 1 tablespoon of the drops is taken mornings and evenings, it PROMOTES THE BIRTH. For easy EXPELLING OF THE AFTERBIRTH, a coffeespoonful is given every 2 hours, until the afterbirth is expelled without pain.
If, after a birth, when the MILD DRIES UP, inflammation develops, it quickly subsides, if a moistened piece of cloth is applied.
They EXPEL WORMS, even TAPEWORMS, in children and adults, the amount taken by children being according to age. A piece of cloth moistened with drops is applied to the navel and kept moist.
They rid children of PUSTULAS. The children are given these drops according to age, diluted with water. If the pustulas start to dry up, they are moistened frequently with these drops and no scars will develop.
For JAUNDICE, very soon all complaints disappear, if 1 tablespoon or these drops is taken 3 times daily and compresses are applied to the SWOLLEN LIVER.
They open all HEMORRHOIDS, and heal KIDNEY, rid the body of all unnecessary liquids without further treatment, taking away MELANCHOLY AND DEPRESSION and improve appetite and digestion.
HEMORRHOIDS are reduced, if in the beginning, they are moistened frequently and if the drops are taken internally, especially before going to bed, they will soften the hemorrhoids.
If soneone has FAINTED, open their mouth if necessary, give them 1 tablespoon of the drops and they will come to.
This remedy rids you of the pain of SPASM [CRAMPS] so that it will cease in time.
For CONSUMPTION, take them daily in the morning or on an empty stomach and continue the treatment for 6 weeks.
If the MENSTRUAL FLOW CEASES for a woman or is too heavy, she takes these drops 3 days and repeats it 20 times. They will, what is too much, lessen and, what is too little, evenout.
This remedy also helps to cure “WHITES” {white vaginal discharge}.
If someone is afflicted with EPILEPSY, he has to be given these drops on the spot and he should then take this remedy exclusively, since it strengthens the affected nerves as well as body and rids it of all sickness.
If someone has FEVER, be it hot or cold, and is very weak, he is given 1 tablespoon of the drops and the patient, if he is not overloaded with other medicaiions, will in a short time come to, the pulse will start to beat again aand the fever, no matter how high it was, will pass and the patient will soon be better.
The drops also heal CANCER, OLD ROCK MARKS, WARTS AND CHAPPED HANDS. If the wound is OLD OR FESTERING OR PROUD FLESH has developed, everything is washed well with white wine and a piece of cloth moistened with the drops is laid upon it.
They heal, without danger, all WOUNDS, be they from a stab or a hit, if they are moistened frequently. A piece of cloth is taken, moistened with the drops and the wounds covered therewith. They take away the pain in a short time, permit no BLEMISH OR PUTREFICATION and heal also old wounds which were caused by a SHOT. If there are holes, the drops are sprinkled into the wound which need not necessarily be cleaned beforehand. Through repeated applying of the moistened cloth healing occurs in a short time.
They take away SCARS,even if very old, WOUNDS AND CUTS, if moistened up to 40 times with them. All the wounds heal and leave no scars.
They heal all FISTULAS, even if they seem incurable, be they as old as may be.
They heal all BURNS AND SCALDS, be they caused by fire, not water or fat, if the injuries are moistened frequently. No blisters form, the heat is taken out and even festering blisters are healed.
They serve against SWELLING AND BRUISES, be they caused by a blow or a fall.
If someone cannot eat with APPETITE, they bring back the lost taste.
In ANEMIA, they bring back the lost color, if taken for a period in the morning. They cleanse the blood and form new blood and promote circulation.
RHEUMATIC PAINS in the limbs are eased if the drops are taken morning and evening and a moistened cloth is applied to the aching parts.
They heal FROST BITTEN HANDS AND FEET, even if there are open parts, if a moistened cloth is applied as often as possible, but especially at night.
For CORNS,a cotton ball, moistened with the drops, is applied and kept moist. After 3 days the corns fall out or can be removed painlessly.
They heal too, BITES of mad dogs and other animals, if taken internally since they heal and destroy all poison. A moistened cloth is laid upon the wounds.
For PLAGUE arid other INFECTIOUS DISEASES, it is well to take the drops repeatedly, since they heal PLAGUE BOILS AND SWELLINGS, even if already in the throat.
He who cannot sleep at night takes these drops before going to bed. For nervous SLEEPLESSNESS, a piece of cloth moistened with diluted drops is laid upon the heart.
A DRUNK can be sober on the spot with 2 tablespoonfuls.
He who takes these drops mornings or evenings daily needs no further medication, since they strengthen the body, tone up the nerves and the blood, take away the TREMBLING OF HANDS AND FEET. In short, they take away all illnesses. The body stays supple, the face young and beautiful.
I have tested two versions of the herbs: one premixed package of 100 grams of 17 herbs. And one where all the herbs were in their own plastic pouch and you can check what you are getting, and there were, if I am not mistaken 24 herbs. The quality of the second is far superior. I have contacted the seller and ordered another two batches… I’ll never want to be without.
The following German video shows (and says in German) how to prepare your own Swedish Bitters from herbs and alcohol and 2 weeks. Enjoy.
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If you would like to know more about the subject – then you will want to read this article. It includes plenty of information about this subject that is sure to help you better understand the ins and outs that seem to confuse most people. It really does not have to be difficult to understand.
The information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.For centuries, and for many human beings still today, this would seem like a stupid inquiry. Obviously miracles are excellent. They are answers to prayer, encouragements to faith, signs of God’s ability and sometimes a method of guidance. So what is the mark of my inquiry? For many human beings, including many Christians, they are an embarrassment, an inconvenience, things that provide more questions than answers. In this article I will attempt to identify the issues and suggest some imaginable solutions. Tags: | add | meditation |
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Hello! You are now in the blog where you will find various articles, videos, links and photos that will surely spark your interest. This is a one stop website for all the information that you will need. There is a whole array of resources that are waiting to be discovered. Feel free to carry on reading and browse more articles like the one below. We have exciting resources that were gathered by our experts in the subject.A female condom is a pouch that is inserted in the vagina before intercourse to lower the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. They’re generally inexpensive, safe, and effective forms of birth control. How Do They Employment? Tags: | health | more info |I hope this article has given you new insight on the subject and given you some things to think about. Although there is nothing new under the sun, the information that you have just finished reading is presented in a fresh and interesting way.
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Have a read of the article below… we are sure you will find it dots all the ‘i’s’, and crosses all the ‘t’s’. On our site we strive to provide the most up-to-date information. Remember that you read it here first, and please tell your friends.Within the publication, Banish Tonsil Stones, the author signifies that by using the techniques organized inside the e-textbook you are able to get over your tonsil stones difficulty without medicine or surgery. The author further reports that there is a step-by-step action found in the e-textbook which will keep them from coming back again. However can they really be prevented? Tags: | add | add |If you found this article insightful, please let us know. It’s your feedback that keeps us motivated to dig out the details. If there are any other issues you would like to see us addresses, again, just let us know and we will include them in future articles and newsletters.
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If one decides that he is ready, willing and able to become a leader, and do so in a manner that is focused on doing a fantastic job in the leadership position, he must be motivated and led by the desire to do the BEST he can do. While that may sound somewhat obvious and simplistic, if it were as simple as it sounds, why are there so hardly any fantastic leaders? Those who study, evaluate and train others in leadership training realize that there often appears to be a dearth of genuine, impactful or quality leaders, regardless of how much… Tags: | self-improvement | golf |
There are many benefits to going gluten autonomous of charge, however also many different reasons why human beings choose to alter to this diet. Some choose it since they must. This includes reasons such as Celiac disease, wheat allergy and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Others may have just noticed minor health maladies and chose to give it a try. Gluten is not very digestible and is a pro-inflammatory agent. And finally, some human beings are just looking to improve their overall health by eliminating gluten. Tags: | read more | nlp |