Want to know what is their soul’s purpose? Why?

 People (you?) want to know what is their soul’s purpose so they can start to live the life of their dreams. They are waiting to do the right thing… but there is a problem. If and when the right thing comes along, will you be ready for it? It has taken me 60 years to … Continue reading “”

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Poke the box, the non-holographic nature of all-of-it

poke the boxPoke the box, the non-holographic nature of all-of-it and the corrupting nature of power.

I wrote this article in 2012… Some things I have changed my mind about…

A lot of people are amazed that I can write a long article seven days a week… that is my standard production.

Do you know what is the difference between me and them? I bet you can’t even guess… lol.

Unless, of course, you have read the book by Seth Godin, Poke the Box

Poking the box is the difference.

Most people don’t ever poke anything, other than their nose into things that are none of their business… and smell bad.

Poking the b

what is the important job I am supposed to do now, that is so urgent that I am banned from measuring people’s vibration?

What is the important job I am supposed to do now, that is so urgent that I am banned from measuring people’s vibration? The job, guiding people, humanity, to the next evolutionary step, has been anything but a straightforward, linear progression. It’s a team job, Source, my core group, and I, are working as a … Continue reading “”

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My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy…

My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy… I like the taste of a little brandy in my water or in my tea. I would not want it in my coffee (I like mine with cream!) but I could probably live with it. But I would not want … Continue reading “”

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What’s the difference between a lake and a person? Can you guess?

 What’s the difference between a lake and a person? Can you guess? Harold and Maude (Hal Ashby; 1971) “It’s best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you’re bound to live life fully.” As you may have read in … Continue reading “”

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The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?

The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt? Imagine yourself having a hammer, walking about in the world… you would have that hammer handy all the time, like a carpenter. How would the world occur to you? If you hadn’t gone into your head for an answer, you would have said: hey, I … Continue reading “”

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The difference between activators and energies, and why is RESPECT my homework for the week

The difference between activators and energies, and why is respect my homework for the week Energies Energies are directly downloaded, transmitted, or infused. I can put my hand on your head, and give you an energy download. I can contact you energetically, and give you an energy transmission. I can do it for as many … Continue reading “”

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How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension? The Heaven on Earth energy bundle (the homeopathic energies of the 40 bad feelings) infused in water contains the antidote for all the bad feelings, all the character flaws, all the selfishness you can have. It is a one-command energy download, coming … Continue reading “”

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Soul Correction #32: “Memories” or Merry-go-Round

Soul correction 32 This is the soul correction that matches the theory of living a life of a fairy tale… but always play the victim. Here is how it goes (at least on the surface): you make a mistake. Example: you accept a ride from a stranger because it’s raining so hard that you can’t … Continue reading “”

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Muscle Testing Your Own Vibration

This is an article from five years ago … Still valid as it was then… You want to know your vibration. Or if I want to be more precise, your EGO wants to know. It’s a curiosity thing. It doesn’t have anything to do with anything else. Novelty, exciting, fleeting. And you should want to … Continue reading “”

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