Crave it to have it, crave it to keep it. Money? love? success?

The Zohar teaches us desire is a vessel that holds the Light. The idea is attaining blessings and good fortune is not enough to keep them. We must also maintain our desire for what we already have. Not always an easy thing to do seeing as how our habit is to focus on what we … Continue reading “”

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The Spiritual Rules of Engagement

If you can only read one book in your whole life, read this book. Especially if you are a woman. But it can be very fundamentally revolutionary for a man as well, except I am not a man, so I can only guess. I bought this book, The Spiritual Laws of Engagement The Spiritual Rules … Continue reading “”

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What is Kabbalah and Why Should You Care?

Imagine that you got yourself a car without a user’s manual. Or a computer. And there would be no person that you know that even knows what they are about… these items would rust, collect dust, be in the way… instead of giving you the power to quickly get from one place to the other, … Continue reading “”

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Who am I and what gives me the right to write about Kabbalah

Good question, right? You were just about asking that… Gotcha! OK, simple question, simple answer. First I tell you what I am not: I am not a Kabbalist. Kabbalists study, practice, and teach Kabbalah full time, for many many years. It could be even said that being a Kabbalist is like an insider… you need … Continue reading “”

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