The What, The When, The HOW of Eating

Ever since I can remember I had problems with my digestion. And with thinking clearly. And with being overweight…
When I grew up, the children’s room’s floor was a baby blue rubber floor (no such thing any more, lol). It had stains… the story goes that I would half-wake up in the middle of the night, and vomit, and go right back to sleep.

I don’t remember that.

What I remember, is that I refused to eat most anything that was served in our household, so I was beaten at every meal.

I got into the habit of stealing stuff that was needed for the dish before it was put into it… I don’t know why… so don’t ask.

I would eat the sour cream that was supposed to go with the wax beans, or the fruit that was supposed to go into the fruit cake.

I ate the beans without the sour cream… but I didn’t eat the cake, with fruits or without fruits.

Until one day, with puberty’s onset, I started to eat everything that anyone put in front of me.

I tried every diet there is… among others the ulcer diet… bland, 5 staple items, most things pureed, for 25 years. No improvement.

A few weeks ago I consulted an esoteric health practitioner who analyzed my “human design”, including my health requirements. As she said: that I eat according to my type, to make my machine, my body and my brain, perform the best.

The verdict was that I was a to eat like a primitive man, like a caveman, one thing at a time in my mouth, alternating between different foods that are simple foods… no mixtures of any kind. Pizza is out, stews, soups sauces, sweets, ice creams, cappucinos, chocolates, out. out. out.

This is the first time I have heard anything like this. I mean, I have been told to chew my food. I have been told not to drink water with my meal. But I have never heard about not putting more than just one specimen of food on my fork.

I decided to give it a try. I must admit, I have been adhering to it maybe 80%, which means I cheat 20%. But the results have been astounding. My constant heartburn became an occasional heartburn. My constant diarrhea became a memory. My sluggishness… well, it is going, going… not gone quite yet. On its way out.

I am writing this article to bring attention that all diets deal with the what, the when, but none until now deal with the how… the method of eating.

I had periods of time, 5-10 years at a time, when I was both thinner and had more energy. Now, in retrospect, they were busy times, when I didn’t have time to cook, and I ate pretty much according to this alternating type of diet… accidentally. Each of those periods ended when I started to cook… and my favorite food was soups… with 14-18 different vegetables chopped up very tiny… just the opposite of how I am supposed to eat.

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