Mavenhood, shortcuts, and white chia seeds

Are you finding the information on the subject confusing? Perhaps you are finding much of the information contradictory? If so, you are not alone. That’s the reason why we developed our website. We spent time trying to gather the facts for ourselves, unfortunately, what we found didn’t help us make decisions at all.

Have a look at the article below. It presents the facts in such an easy language that we were able to understand it immediately. If it helps clear the fog for you, please let your friends know about our website, as it might be useful for them also.I have 3 huge fileboxes full of printed stuff by alternative doctors, and offerings.

I started my collection some 20 years ago with Dr Richard Schulze’s stuff. I was in pitiful state then, I’ll describe in another blogpost when my stomach is not that ready to turn as it is now…

I have read more diverse stuff on how the human body works, on supplements, on methods that on almost any other subject, probably because I have been always interested in being well.

I was born 3 months premature, just under 4 lbs body weight, and there were no incubators at the time. To add to the problems, my mom, for reasons of her own, didn’t want to hold me, didn’t want to feed me.

I was a sickly baby, threw up every night. It was so habitual I never even remembered it in the morning, except it was there, the evidence, on the floor next to my bed.

I was diagnosed with duodenal ulcer at age 9. I had almost constant migrane headaches. I had no appetite, I had difficulty sleeping, I was accident prone.

After such beginning health, or the lack of it, was my main concern. Or one of them… 🙂

So I do have a large collection, and I have read it all.

I will, from time to time, quote from them. Quite fascinating.

The newest perfect food, white chia seed is on order, and I will report on my experience with it… I consider myself a maven: mavens are early adapters, and they test everything for the rest of the population, so others can benefit from their experimenting nature.

Actually, this is what my blogposts are about, if you haven’t noticed. I only write about stuff I tried.

Anyway, white chia seed is supposed to be an omega 3 fatty acid rich food… very rich. I haven’t received it yet, but from the description on the merchant’s site I think it is somewhat similar to flax… we’ll see. Bear with me…

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