Laughter Yoga

I have found that your state (physiology) not only reflects but defines your state.

You can observe others or yourself. When you are depressed, or bored you slump, you hang your head… your physiology shows that you are depressed/bored.

If you want to change your mood, you first have to change your state. That is why exercise is such a great albeit temporary remedy of moods.

A more conscious state change is:

LAUGHTER Yoga…basically you just laugh until tears come out…

Start different types of laugh eg. gradient laugh (start with a whisper, building it up to a louder and louder laugh), lawn mover laugh, constipated laugh, etc… just be creative…I often practice my laughter yoga whenever I am stuck in traffic and what do you know, the traffic dispears…

Here are 10 reasons why it is important to laugh for NO reason!

1. a stress buster.

2. it strengthens the immune system and helps maintain good health.

3. it acts as an anti-aging therapy. Increases blood supply to the face. It nourishes the skin and
makes it glow.

4. It’s quite an aerobic exercise, just like any other standard aerobic exercise. You may feel out of breath… burns calories and enjoy all the benefits of exercise. Aerobic exercise works because the body needs more oxygen and the breathing becomes deeper. Any activity that can cause that is aerobic, regardless of the effort. For example bodyflex is based on this principle. It works like gangbuster.

5. Laughing, whether natural or “artificially induced” increases the levels of endorphins

6. helps control high blood pressure by reducing the release of stress-related hormones

7. helps unload depression, reduces anxiety and eases psychosomatic disorders.

8. laughter makes us creative and imaginative. It naturally improves our sense of humor.

9. It shrinks the hurts of everyday life to a smaller, if not inconsequential size. Whatever was bothering us seems now only a part of life, not all of life… It interrupts the power struggle and releases tension and anger.

10. makes you feel good and peaceful, self-confident and self-expressive.

One great tool is the video on this blog… when nothing else works, I just watch it an laugh along…

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