The Healing Power of Laughter

Norman Cousins wrote a book, many years ago, titled “Anatomy of an Illness”

In that book he describes, what he did to cure himself from an incurable illness.

What he did is rented funny movies of the Marx brothers, and watched them every day. He laughed out loud, and his disease disappeared.

Now, I must admit, I never read his book, but I can tell you, laughing works.

There are today studies that show that laughing, the kind of laugh that comes from deep inside your belly, produces the kind of hormone like substances, pheromones, that re-tune the body.  A good belly laugh is like an internal massage, strengthens immune function, puts the body into a relaxed state… and we now know, that relaxation is more effective than an arsenal of medication.

A good belly laugh also turns a gloomy world-view around, and takes the seriousness out of life. When we can laugh, fear seems to leave us, and in this newfound fresh perspective of the world, we find creative solutions to problems that seemed impossible before the shift.

I have found a whole slew of videos on youtube that are nothing else but funny moments, or better yet, people laughing.

Some people, when they laugh, you start laughing with them. You can’t help.

I have put one of these videos on my desktop on my computer, and I listen to it at least 3-4 times a week. I am noticing that I am less tired, and that I have more patience for the things that I must deal with.

I’ll put MY favorite laughing video above… so that you can watch it. Once it has played, you’ll be able to click for more laughing videos.

You will thank me for the idea…

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