The Restoration Meditation… The Good, The Bad, The Interesting And Also The Exciting: Sexual Awakening

Report on the Healing Meditation… The Good, The Bad, The Interesting and the Exciting

Four nights ago, on Tuesday, we had our first Healing Meditation session.

It was a first for all the participant, and it was a first for me.

I didn’t know what I was doing, I trusted myself to Source to tell me what to do when I was supposed to do it.

We started the way we start every meditation/connecting session: We found ourselves. Our physical bodies, our thoughts, our memories, our ego… so we can be observers to all of those.

There were seven people on the call. I felt everyone’s pain, everyone’s emotions…

I felt an overwhelming majority had pain in their left arm or shoulder.

I told each in attendance where to put their hand… I had made a pact with Source that placing the hand is directing the Light to go to that area.

I put my hand on my crotch: my hip pain originates from there.

Here is the feedback:

I got three people reporting pain in their left arm and shoulder. None of them felt it when I felt it on the call. When I visit them individually, the pain is there.

How come I felt it and they didn’t? Did the meditation cause the pain? Good question, right? After all if Source energy causes pain… who needs it, right?

The truth is this: and empath feels what’s there 100 times stronger than you do. If I feel pain in your left arm or your left shoulder, the physiological conditions for severe pain are already there, they just haven’t manifested. So sending Light to it will first aggravate the pain, so you pay attention.

The purpose of pain in the body is to be an early warning signal: you are doing something that doesn’t serve you: Stop It!

Your left hand side has an important secondary function: heart troubles will show up there, way before there is danger. If you wait until you feel the pain… it is usually too late. Especially if you are a man.

Men are less likely to feel anything, due to their upbringing, and due to being left brain dominant. It is hard to feel and think at the same time.

These were the good, and the bad. A package deal.

It’s good, because you now know. Giving yourself more light there, and changing your position, quit using the arm-rest in your car or at your desk chair usually solves your problem.

Bad if any discomfort will make you quit… but you

The Restoration Meditation… The Good, The Bad, The Interesting And Also The Exciting: Sexual Awakening