The Push And The Nail, Or What Is Actually A Pattern-Interrupt?

The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?

Imagine yourself having a hammer, walking about in the world… you would have that hammer handy all the time, like a carpenter.

How would the world occur to you?

If you hadn’t gone into your head for an answer, you would have said: hey, I would be looking for nails, after all why carry a hammer around for nothing… right?

But, if you are like the 99% of humanity, you couldn’t resist going into your head, into what you already know, for an answer.

You would have gone for the Tree of Knowledge answer, the RIGHT ANSWER, am I correct?

You would also have, a mitigating factor, your self-image.

If you think you are creative, you would give me a creative version of the same bullock you already knew.
If you think you are confused, you would give the answer after expressing how confused you are.
If you think you are not capable, you would first have to go through a song and dance of not being capable, before you would search your memory banks for the correct answer.

Only one in every hundred would actually look, imagine themselves carrying around a big hammer, wanting to wield it at every turn.

What else can we glean from this question and your answer to it? Lots. How about the size of your hammer. How about the shape of your hammer. How about what you will do with your other hand… whether you will find nails still lose, or nails already in some wood, or wall that need fixing.

Details perfectly given by the Tree of Knowledge: air tight, nobody home, no new information has a chance to enter.

How do I know? I have an example that is my own that I discovered today.

I am a skeptic.

Skepticism is one of the most arrogant ways of being. When you are skeptical, the final word is yours, you are the beginning, the middle,  and the end, the ultimate authority. You will know if something is ok, if something is true, or bs… arrogant, and it probably covers up that you don’t know jack, that you make a lot of mistakes that cost you a lot… once burned twice afraid. It covers up that inside you are a coward, and you want to take no risk, unless you know that outcome: foolproof winning.

How did I get so present to this? I’ll tell you.

I have been doing this work. Without an exception what I have made public works. Enough proof to believe it. But not for a skeptic: a skeptic isn’t interested in proof… they are looking somewhere else, and that place isn’t willing to decide. WTF, you say? I said that this morning.

What was special about this morning? It was a pattern-interrupt.

I have been taking a big risk, a coming out, and I decided to try the new energies in a way that it is not a subjective testimony that will be proof, but something that no matter who is doing the test, it is either black or it is white.

There is a lake in Syracuse, NY. It is called Onondaga Lake. It is a beautiful lake, great potential for recreation, fishing, swimming…


Some food manufacturing giant used it for decades as a private toilet: and dumped all its poisonous waste products into the lake.

The fish is poisonous and deformed. It is good enough for fishing competitions, but the fish can’t be eaten: it will kill you.

Several university labs are wrecking their brains to fix the lake. One person I spoke with, spoke of a plan of dumping cement to create a barrier between the poisonous sludge on the bottom of the lake and the water. Then the water could be, maybe, cleaned.

We are talking about millions, maybe billions of dollars.

I have known that I, somehow, will be given the way, I just didn’t know how, and didn’t know when. I also didn’t know why me… lol.

Anyway, today I did a

The Push And The Nail, Or What Is Actually A Pattern-Interrupt?