Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments To Prosperity: The Spiritual Regulations Of Money That You Have Not Known Or Bypassed And Now Paying The Price

Is Money Spiritual? If it is spiritual then Only Spiritual Laws Apply to it, and only by spiritual means it can be attracted.

This is a long article. It is by no means a complete exploration of the topic, but it has enough useful information for you to start overhauling your whole concept of money. When you get successful at the overhaul, you’ll start increasing your wealth. Even if you just manage in one area, the results will start to show, almost instantly.

That is: If you understood the commandment correctly.

My students find it, at first attempt, totally impossible to understand, totally impossible to integrate, and resist it, so please fasten your seat belt. It’s not as bad as it seems at first sight. Anything worth learning is worth struggle for. Anything that is easy to learn is fool’s gold… not worth a dime.

I promise you don’t need a PhD or a business degree to understand, but you may need to read the article twice. And you may need to think. The best attitude I can recommend is the same a clothing store owner would suggest: try on this coat. Feel it, walk around in it. If you like it, take it, if you don’t like it, we’ll put it back on the rack… no problem. Just don’t try it on already resisting it. OK?

On my other blog, there is an article that got more views and more tweets than any article I have ever written. The other blog is And the article was about money and vibration. I wrote it.

What is the truth about money and vibration? Was the article I wrote six month ago, correct? No, it wasn’t. Have I changed my mind? Yes. Is that good or bad?

Changing your mind when you find out you had been wrong is very healthy: but only the strong and smart can do it. (Especially when the wrong opinion was publicly expressed in a highly distributed article, yeeks!) When you have enough courage to change your mind, publicly, you’ll see immediate results to prove that the new way of thinking is correct. This is what happened to me with regards to money.

I changed my mind and then I acted on the changed mindset.

Money opened up in areas where I had already offered value, but there were no takers. ((You’ll understand more about that through my other articles, but just briefly: money is an exchange for value provided. Someone must consider the value they receive more value to them than the value of the money they pay for it. This is the basis of an ethical business transaction: an exchange happens that is a win-win. Money moving without value exchange is stealing or burning money… not spiritual. Many of the soul corrections I have examined have their strongest correction in the area of money!))

I just finished a book written by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments for Making Money.

As an orthodox rabbi, how does Daniel Lapin know so much about money and the spiritual laws that govern money, instead of just having some good ideas?

Lapin decided to be both a business man and a rabbi at the same time, some 20 years ago.

The combination is quite unique. Most rabbis are hired and supported by a congregation and that is the rabbi’s only or main source of income. Lapin, instead, makes business his main source of income. This is how he can be of the most help to his mainly business minded congregation.

What Daniel Lapin says, in the context of money, is very valid, and most of you will see what “commandments” of the ten you violate, unbeknownst to you. ((Vibrational review: Daniel Lapin personal vibration: 300, the book’s truth value: 500, meaning worth learning from.))

Arm yourself: the commandments won’t make much sense at first. Or if they do make sense, you are probably misinterpreting them.

When something makes sense, that means that it is common knowledge, it is culturally true, that it is Tree of Knowledge knowledge, and has no spiritual aspect to it, and no truth. It was made up by humans. Lapin talks about spiritual commandments, that should not make sense to your mind. You need to allow it to make sense to your higher self. If your higher self is “dead or totally asleep” then you can give it up right here… Don’t waste your time.

Tree of Knowledge means: from the limited perspective of the human mind.

When I was teaching a little segment of this knowledge to my class, they were buzzing with no understanding, misunderstanding, question marks, and resistance. Be willing to be open, willing to try it on for size and feel, or this article won’t make a difference.

Here are the ten commandments of prosperity:

The First Commandment: Believe in the Dignity and Morality of Business

I would say that, in my experience, money loses 90% of you right here. Said in another way: You lose your battle with

Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments To Prosperity: The Spiritual Regulations Of Money That You Have Not Known Or Bypassed And Now Paying The Price