Yeast Infection — Why is it an epidemic?

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Candida, and thousands of other fungi and bacteria have been co-habitating with humans for eons.

What I mean by co-habitating is that they live together, neither bothering each other nor helping. Just living together.

Esophageal candidiasis stained by periodic aci...
Image via Wikipedia

Another thousands of bacteria, that is called beneficial bacteria has a symbiotic relationship with humans, where they are mutually providing the other with something needed, as a rent for the habitat/service.

Candida is not useful, but normally isn’t harmful either. Candida is kept in check by the beneficial bacteria, and it can’t overgrow. Normally.

The circumstances needed for Candida to get out of hand are the same circumstances that other diseases, opportunistic diseases, I would call them, use to take over your body, your mind, your life.

These circumstances are caused you not keeping the normal hygiene rules, let them be physical, emotional, or mental.

You know exactly what would be a healthy lifestyle, eating, exercising, thought patterns, social stimulation, mental stimulation, cleanliness, and

avoidance of substances that set you back.

What you don’t know, that every instance of stepping off that relative narrow path is going to cost you, big time.

I had a conversation with my chiropractor today. He told me that his daughter had been sickly lately, colds, headaches, you know the kind. She is 13 years old.

Until this school year she was on the cheerleading team, going to practice every time they had one… Suddenly she has a lot of time and energy at her hand. She started to write a novel, she has written about 300 pages. She goes to bed at 9 pm as her dad demands it, but gets up as soon as he leaves the room, and writes sometimes till 1 am.

I bet she is writing in her dreams as well, getting no rest, no exercise, not enough water, and probably not enough supplements to support the increased mental activities she is pushing.

He has been giving her supplements to help her relax. I suspected that he is treating the symptom. I asked a few questions to be sure, about her eating habits, and about exercising.

Returning her to plenty of vigorous exercise, and carefully removing the vata producing foods, potato, bread, apple, hard boiled eggs, cruciferous vegetables, will naturally return her to her sweet, calmer self, that know when to sleep, and went to throw herself fully into activities.

You guessed right: the next thing for her will be (without intervention) a breakdown in the balance of power between good and bad in her body. She will probably get yeast infection, or she is already having it.

You may think I am exaggerating but be assured, I am not. It’s predictable, and it is natural.

I see myself in her. I was a lot like her. I still am.

I was first diagnosed with yeast infection at age 9. The cost has been tremendous. But that will be told in another blog post.

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