Correspondence with J: This email confirms that you have received a donation > of $2.00 USD from J Sophie: Sharing the light. A single candle, though its light is weak, banishes darkness. But it needs to be lit. When you hide your light under a bushel basket so no one can see it: you are … Continue reading “”
The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip

The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip for Soul Correction I knew there were more Bach Flower Feelings, there were more Bach Flower Energies, I just didn’t know what, which, how, and when. Yesterday, on the afternoon connection call, a woman from Sweden, brand new person came to the call with that … Continue reading “”
The Hundredth Monkey and The Second Phase Activator Course: what’s the connection?

I am sitting here, doing work for my friend’s 15-minute fame and potential big break. Your success is measured by the number of people you made successful, I tell myself as an excuse for taking my attention off doing my own work. My body is ravaged with strong and very unpleasant emotions. Mostly anxiety, doom, … Continue reading “”
Wipe The Slate Clean, Empty Your Cup: A New Energy To Clear Your Self-Defeating Busy Mind and the Tree of Knowledge

Wipe the Slate Clean and empty your cup: A New Energy to clear your self-defeating busy mind Five times a week we have a connection call where I teach the new people how to connect and then we all do a serious meditation while connected to Source. A few sessions ago I’ve started to give … Continue reading “”
Does The Heaven On Earth Work For People Who Want To Lose Weight?

Does the Heaven on Earth work for people who want to lose weight? Warning: This is a real long article. And although it only seems to talk to people who want to lose weight, it has principles for life everyone can use, so don’t give up too soon. Warning #2: This is a stream of … Continue reading “”
Vibrational review
Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? ~ Raise Your Vibration, Transform … Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? Posted by Raise Your Vibration on 6:30 AM … Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life be available in eBook format on December 24th at Here are some healing … Metaphysics 102: How To Raise Your Vibration … Continue reading “”
Curses, Attachments, Dark Side, The Evil Eye

Curses, Attachments, Dark Side, The Evil Eye: Desire to receive for the self alone It’s nearly six months that I haven’t written anything about this topic. On a certain day, sometime in July, I think, the Dark Side got eliminated. For a few months life was sweet (for me) but then the Dark Side started … Continue reading “”
Heaven and Hell… Heaven on Earth… Can you get to heaven while living on earth?

Heaven and Hell… Heaven on Earth… Can you get to heaven while living on earth? Let me start with a story from my favorite novel, The Journeys of Socrates: …a proud and hot-tempered young samurai who routinely cut down any peasant who gave the least offense. In those days, samurai were a law unto themselves, … Continue reading “”
How do you squash Life Force so you are never really well?

Well Being, Aliveness, Energy, Inspiration, Life Force: How do you squash them so you are never really well? About 50% of my site’s new visitors come in search of a miracle way to get well. Another 30% come to find a way to love and the good feelings it gives you. Mostly they were disappointed … Continue reading “”
Passivity… the worst plague in the history of humans

Today’s human’s biggest issue is passivity. A normal 98% human lives their life like the vagrants in the famous Samuel Beckett’s nihilist play: Samuel Beckett: Waiting For Godot. If you have never seen it: it’s an empty stage signifying an abandoned filthy littered lot in the middle of nowhere. Our vagrants talk about nothing for … Continue reading “”