Are all energies healing energies? Or transformative energies? What about Reiki? Omega Shakti System?

Are all energies healing energies? Or transformative energies? Before I realized that I can talk to Source and Source will answer, I learned two energy modalities. One was an energy modality called, and you can still get attuned The founder died a few years ago. I knew him personally, he spent a few … Continue reading “”

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Curses, Attachments, Dark Side, The Evil Eye

Curses, Attachments, Dark Side, The Evil Eye: Desire to receive for the self alone It’s nearly six months that I haven’t written anything about this topic. On a certain day, sometime in July, I think, the Dark Side got eliminated. For a few months life was sweet (for me) but then the Dark Side started … Continue reading “”

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Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru

 I have been wondering what makes someone pick a certain guru, what capacity, what characteristics… This is the transcript of an audio of a conversation I had with Nancy, my brainstorming buddy… Listening to it is like going on a scenic helicopter ride… Enjoy I just had one of the most intriguing conversations with my … Continue reading “”

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Vibrational Review: Quantum Thought Shifting With Pam Ragland

Update 1/14/2012 Vibrational Review: updated on 3/15/2015 Pam Ragland personal vibration: 295 re-measured on April 27, 2014: vibration is 200 3/15/2015: 170 quantum thought shifting methodology: 200 truth value of teaching: 2%

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Case Study #1: Humanity in Unity with Sai Maa

if you want to earn your vibrational raise, you need to directly connect to Source… not easy, but possible for every human. Why is it so hard? For two reasons: 1. you were indoctrinated that you are small, puny…

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