The Restoration Meditation… The Good, The Bad, The Interesting And Also The Exciting: Sexual Awakening

Report on the Healing Meditation… The Good, The Bad, The Interesting and the Exciting

Four nights ago, on Tuesday, we had our first Healing Meditation session.

It was a first for all the participant, and it was a first for me.

I didn’t know what I was doing, I trusted myself to Source to tell me what to do when I was supposed to do it.

We started the way we start every meditation/connecting session: We found ourselves. Our physical bodies, our thoughts, our memories, our ego… so we can be observers to all of those.

There were seven people on the call. I felt everyone’s pain, everyone’s emotions…

I felt an overwhelming majority had pain in their left arm or shoulder.

I told each in attendance where to put their hand… I had made a pact with Source that placing the hand is directing the Light to go to that area.

I put my hand on my crotch: my hip pain originates from there.

Here is the feedback:

I got three people reporting pain in their left arm and shoulder. None of them felt it when I felt it on the call. When I visit them individually, the pain is there.

How come I felt it and they didn’t? Did the meditation cause the pain? Good question, right? After all if Source energy causes pain… who needs it, right?

The truth is this: and empath feels what’s there 100 times stronger than you do. If I feel pain in your left arm or your left shoulder, the physiological conditions for severe pain are already there, they just haven’t manifested. So sending Light to it will first aggravate the pain, so you pay attention.

The purpose of pain in the body is to be an early warning signal: you are doing something that doesn’t serve you: Stop It!

Your left hand side has an important secondary function: heart troubles will show up there, way before there is danger. If you wait until you feel the pain… it is usually too late. Especially if you are a man.

Men are less likely to feel anything, due to their upbringing, and due to being left brain dominant. It is hard to feel and think at the same time.

These were the good, and the bad. A package deal.

It’s good, because you now know. Giving yourself more light there, and changing your position, quit using the arm-rest in your car or at your desk chair usually solves your problem.

Bad if any discomfort will make you quit… but you

The Restoration Meditation… The Good, The Bad, The Interesting And Also The Exciting: Sexual Awakening

3 Core Beliefs That Hinders Overcoming Challenges

There are three main groups of beliefs that hinder a successful approach during challenging times and all these beliefs, if allowed to overwhelm us will breed anxieties and worries, therefore, one has to consciously address them. The first set of belief is where you see your challenges as menacing. This belief is often displayed where a person beliefs that challenges are a negative occurrences that is not supposed to happen to them, what you will find in such a case, is denial, where one consciously refuses to accept to do something about the situation they are facing but rather gives up.
Tags: | vibration | health |

How Antidepressants Work

Antidepressants are the first line treatment against depression. Annual sales of antidepressants are approximately $ 50 billion, making this class of drugs one of the most currently prescribed.
Tags: | vibration | healing codes |

Between To Source And Also Healing

What is healing?

Our bodies designed to be well and stay well.

Some of us were born with defective genes, where the DNA was injured either in the fetus, or in the ancestors…

What would damage the DNA? for the most part the cause of permanent damage is lack of energy to notice an aberration or repair it…

If it is not on the DNA level that we experience lack of well-being, the condition can be traced back to

Lack of building blocks or the wrong combination of blocks
Outside damage, chemical, or other injuries
Lack of energy to repair damage once it occurred
Wrong mindset: a mindset that blocks the flow of life. negative thinking: thinking that uses up life-force instead of supporting it,

As you see, in any type of dis-ease there is the element of energy. There is more to it, but the lack of energy, the lack of Life-Force

Between To Source And Also Healing

Humility: What Is It And Why Should You Have It? Is Existence Humble Meek? Powerless? Stupid? Get Ready To Find It Surprising !

On Humility

Most humility that we know as humility is a pretense. It is designed by us to dupe people into thinking that they don’t need to beat us over the head for us to get what they say or to think well of us, blah blah blah. That humility we know is an outside job. Real humility is an inside job. And very very very selfish! (Did I tell you to prepare to be surprised?)

Real humility (I should be an expert on this, after all this is my soul correction!) is very different.

Humility is a great hearing aid for helping us become open to guidance (from Source, from Soul, from other people). But sometimes we don’t hear because we have a process to go through. And sometimes it’s the process that creates the humility to hear.

Most people need to be broken in order for the messages to enter.

Why would being broken work? The ego that wants you to stay the same, that wants to perpetuate the status quo, good or bad, useless or useful, has to wake up to the new reality: you are beaten, you are broken, it needs to allow change.

Does it always work? No. Unless there is support from your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, your soul, it is going to become an “oscillating structure” where you are going to go back and forth… improvement, back where you started.

The ego is going to create a Sisyphus “syndrome” read the footnotes for story… ((Sisyphus’ story is part of Greek Mythology. The myth is that this dude, Sisyphus, was condemned to attempt to roll a huge boulder to the top of the mountain each day, only for it to roll back to the bottom at the end of the day. Others say that Sisyphus is a symbol of the sun that rises every morning, and sets every night… But the popular interpretation, what I am really referring to here is ‘starting and starting and starting and never accomplishing anything…’ nasty stuff.))

So what can you do instead, so you can grow, so you can become all you can be?

In one of the trainings on training I had 25 years ago, we were taught that you need to declare yourself incompetent in order to be trained.

First off: am I saying you are incompetent? No, I am saying something totally different. You need to create yourself an empty vessel, and empty cup, so you can be filled. You can sort through the new stuff once the training is done.

Is that humility? Yes, that is humility of the highest degree!

You disengage your know-it-all, your 3-year old: have you noticed that you can’t explain anything to a 3-year old: they already know everything. The next know-it-all stage comes when they become a teenager… then, for most of us, it stays. Even the best of us can’t hear anything the way it’s said, the best we can do is try to

like/not like,
true/false judge the new information, and if it passes our muster, if it is compatible with what we already know, then we’ll fit it into the brick wall of what we already know.

What is the problem with this picture?


One: we are not listening. We are not hearing. We are busy thinking. That is the definition of arrogance: thinking that YOUR MUSTER, your opinion, your knowledge is definitive.

This is why most people never learn, consciously, anything new. Unconsciously, of course, you learn all kinds of useless garbage. That is going to form the basis of your judgment to accept or reject the new knowledge.

Which means something really BIG for the readers of this site: You will never

Humility: What Is It And Why Should You Have It? Is Existence Humbel Meek? Powerless? Stupid? Get Ready To Find It Surprising !

Why Are You Not Offering Measuring The Vibration Anything Else ? Why Do I Need To Disconnect Right After Meditation?

Hi Sophie,
I didn’t see the option to donate on your site to measure one’s vibration. Do you still offer that?


I do not. I need to work uninterrupted for long hours, and not fragment my time.

Also, to measure someone’s vibration I need to connect to them, and it is very painful: most people are at or under 200, and have horrible feelings, like you right now.

your vibration is 210, but your emotional state is horrible, and I have to feel it. So it is not good for me to do that countless times throughout the day. Sometimes I can’t disconnect from the person, and there goes my day.

So, there you have it… lol

Thank you,

I have tried many things, but what you are teaching, I am understanding… and it feels SO amazing!

A question…
You mentioned at the end of the connection calls that we’re connected for about an hour unless we say, “disconnect,” and to be careful because we’re wide open. If I would like to connect each morning and night, do I cloak myself, or step into a bubble and fill it with lifeforce energy as you described before I go about my day?


Why Are You Not Offering Measuring The Vibration Anything Else ? Why Do I Need To Disconnect Right After Meditation?

Addicted On The Law Of Attraction? Manifestation? The Law Of Attraction Teachers And Also Their Vibration

Law of Attraction, manifestation, and other voodoo stuff has been around for about 10 years, or at least that’s when I first heard about it.

The teachers of this voodoo stuff share one thing in common: their vibration is low and their vibrational shift as a result of the Activation of the Original Design is slower.

Wow, how does that make sense?

Well, it is not very intuitive, but I trust that you will understand. And maybe some of these teachers will read this article and change some of their ways.

It seems that this Human Game is all centered around The Deal. The Deal? yes, from now that’s what I will be calling this ground rule agreement that we didn’t know we made.

The Deal:

You can get anything you want from Source on the condition that

1. You ask for it directly from Source (i.e. you connect directly to Source, in a two-way connection)
2. You promise to use what you get to further expand your vessel.

Is this what the Law of Attraction people teach? No.

They teach you to connect to the stuff you want. They teach you that the stuff will automatically move towards you. They teach you that by connecting to the stuff you change your vibration to that of the stuff, and that is what does the trick.

Ultimately, they continue the type of teaching that comes from the Tree of Knowledge, not from the Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life symbolizes directly connecting to the

Addicted On The Law Of Attraction? Manifestation? The Law Of Attraction Teachers And Also Their Vibration

Alpha Sound With Better Happiness

Tap into something that will alleviate stress, cool your intellect, and really aid you focus more evenly on your goals. When you align with the alpha sound, you increase your mental abilities, and heighten your senses, all while remaining completely in control. This method you will achieve greater health and happiness. The alpha sound is in the intellect, when it is slowed to between 7 and 14 cycles per second. The frequency of thoughts and the amount of thoughts are

Alpha Sound With Better Happiness

Gripped Simply By An Opinion?

“To be in the grip of an belief method to be in the grip of your intellect and mistaking that for who you are in essence.” (Eckhart Tolle) At some age or another, we’ve all had the familiarity of feeling very strongly about something, of having an belief that we really believed. However what was happening is that we were forgetting our fair nature, our divine essence. When we get caught up in taking sides or believing things are a certain path (and only that path), we are identifying with our intellect, and are not in touch with our inner nature. And while there’s nothing inherently incorrect with doing

Gripped Simply By An Opinion?