Effects of Giving Back

There is magnificent authority that comes with giving back to your community and to those who are living a less fortunate lifestyle than yourself. You can lend a palm by using what you learn or your skills and passions to aid constitute a difference in someone else’s lifetime. You can do a abundance of things like donating your age at a community soup kitchen and aid give aliment to the needy who… More information: click here

Internet Marketing Opportunities for Starters to Boost Profits

Internet marketing has a abundance of opportunities for everyone. In circumstance, you can constitute your online business as your primary source of living through the sales that you can generate. With this, it is not impossible that you can generate such large amount of profit if you will invest your age in honing and attracting your target market to acquire your products and services. More information: click here

Organized Scam and Individual Scam

I have been reading up on the issue of people and nations being scammed out of their money, freedom and health by government, major corporations, and the health care system i.e. medical establishment and big pharma.

My findings are alarming, and I am soon going to start a whole series of articles on the different ways we are duped and robbed and debilitated, but I am not ready to do that until I am clear on some counter measures. So you will need to wait a little.

I was researching (again) systemic yeast infection on youtube today, and somehow, unintended, I found this 4-minute 60-minute segment from last year that pointed to the unorganized, individual scam I am referring in the title:


It is about an elaborate operation that performed unneded surgery on unsuspecting individuals to the tune of millions a year.

Go watch it, and then come back… I’d like to talk about the scam about yeast infection, cancer, ms, lupus, and countless diseases that leave you debilitated, tired, useless… and poor. OK?

Swine Flu (Swine Influenza) and MMS

As the swine flu “pandemic” is spreading, I recommend that you read up on the Miracle Mineral Supplement MMS and buy some before it becomes unavailable… the MMS is distributed by “amateur” enthusiasts (which doesn’t make it ineffective, it only makes it scarce and cheap 🙂

The MMS was discovered as an incredibly powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal agent about 10-15 years ago by Jim Humble. He wrote a book about it, taught people how to make it, and is committed to make it available for humanity, which I wholeheartedly support him with.

I am taking it. I am seeing amazing results. I don’t want to talk about that in this article, I want to get this out fast for people who want to have real insurance against any pandemic, like the swine flu.

Buy MMS. Make sure you are protected. And download the first, free part of Jim Humble’s book on MMS and swine flu.

The second book is mainly how to make it yourself, but it can still be bought on ebay fairly cheaply, so go there and search for MMS. Or go to MMS Miracle. For every bottle you buy, I’ll donate another one to my community.

Swine Flu Scare… the governments must be happy

swine flu epidemic pandemic in Mexico and Texas USA
Hey. I understand that there is a flu epidemic. I also think that it came just in time to distract people from paying attention to the economy that was caused by banks stealing, committing fraud, and the government ignoring a law that it created a few years ago.

Ooops, sorry for spewing. I just had to vent.

I am grateful that it is not a world war this time. World wars (or Iraq wars, etc) have been governments main devices to draw attention to something real and equally scary…

I am grateful that I have bought both 35% food grade Hydrogen peroxide and MMS (sodium chlorite) and no flu, swine or otherwise can get to me or anyone that asks me to treat them.

Unfortunately I don’t have enough to send anyone who asks me for it, so buy your own. There is not enough for a whole continent, and the prices are going to go up, I guarantee it.

I bought mine on ebay, it came real fast. Buy mms and the activator. Follow instructions.

Be well. Don’t allow this new threat to distract you from what is important. To be free, to grow, to develop to a better and more accomplished human being… not to hide, fret, complain… etc.

I haven’t posted on this blog for a while… What am I working on?

There are a few topics I started on this blog and then I created a separate blog for them. Some of these topics are gluten intolerance and gluten free cooking, yeast infection issues, diabetes, and spirituality. The blogs are Gluten Blog, Yeast Infection, spirituality.

I have also been introduced to Hydrogen Peroxide as a modality, and have written a blog on the hydrogen peroxide experiment of myself and my friend, Diana Huntress.

And the last thing, still in progress, is a “humane” but effective lifestyle/supplement regiment for diabetics who are overweight and want to add life to their years and years to their life. The blog itself is still in question-gathering mode… but if you insist, you can visit it at http://www.answers-diabetes.com