Yeast Infection — Why is it an epidemic?

Image via Wikipedia

Candida, and thousands of other fungi and bacteria have been co-habitating with humans for eons.

What I mean by co-habitating is that they live together, neither bothering each other nor helping. Just living together.

Esophageal candidiasis stained by periodic aci...
Image via Wikipedia

Another thousands of bacteria, that is called beneficial bacteria has a symbiotic relationship with humans, where they are mutually providing the other with something needed, as a rent for the habitat/service.

Candida is not useful, but normally isn’t harmful either. Candida is kept in check by the beneficial bacteria, and it can’t overgrow. Normally.

The circumstances needed for Candida to get out of hand are the same circumstances that other diseases, opportunistic diseases, I would call them, use to take over your body, your mind, your life.

These circumstances are caused you not keeping the normal hygiene rules, let them be physical, emotional, or mental.

You know exactly what would be a healthy lifestyle, eating, exercising, thought patterns, social stimulation, mental stimulation, cleanliness, and

avoidance of substances that set you back.

What you don’t know, that every instance of stepping off that relative narrow path is going to cost you, big time.

I had a conversation with my chiropractor today. He told me that his daughter had been sickly lately, colds, headaches, you know the kind. She is 13 years old.

Until this school year she was on the cheerleading team, going to practice every time they had one… Suddenly she has a lot of time and energy at her hand. She started to write a novel, she has written about 300 pages. She goes to bed at 9 pm as her dad demands it, but gets up as soon as he leaves the room, and writes sometimes till 1 am.

I bet she is writing in her dreams as well, getting no rest, no exercise, not enough water, and probably not enough supplements to support the increased mental activities she is pushing.

He has been giving her supplements to help her relax. I suspected that he is treating the symptom. I asked a few questions to be sure, about her eating habits, and about exercising.

Returning her to plenty of vigorous exercise, and carefully removing the vata producing foods, potato, bread, apple, hard boiled eggs, cruciferous vegetables, will naturally return her to her sweet, calmer self, that know when to sleep, and went to throw herself fully into activities.

You guessed right: the next thing for her will be (without intervention) a breakdown in the balance of power between good and bad in her body. She will probably get yeast infection, or she is already having it.

You may think I am exaggerating but be assured, I am not. It’s predictable, and it is natural.

I see myself in her. I was a lot like her. I still am.

I was first diagnosed with yeast infection at age 9. The cost has been tremendous. But that will be told in another blog post.

Gluten Free Nutrient Packed Superfood – Chia aka Salba

OK. I read about this superfood, Salba (Salvia Hispanica). I searched for it on the Internet, wanted to get the seeds instead of ground… or as they call it, chia meal, because it can only last less time, and I wanted to buy quantity.

Found it on hidalgo foods… and finally it arrived last week, and I have been experimenting with it.

For those of you that don’t know what I am talking about: the Aztec had a superfood, tiny white or black seeds, small as poppy seed… shape of lentils, but about 50 times smaller.

What’s special about this seed (it is really not a grain… I think?).

  1. it takes up 12 times its weight in water. I tested it, and one tablespoon of chia (I bought the white one…) and a cup of water. In a few minutes the cup of water became a smooth gel, colorless, almost tasteless, and the chia seeds the solid part that you can chew, became the size of a speck of dust. I just spooned it out of the cup, and I could not stop, it was tasty chewy. Some sources say you can mix it into yoghurt… can’t wait to try. I have also put some in a spice shaker, and have been shaking it onto my morning toast.
  2. It is packed with nutrients. Two tablespoons, which is considered a serving, contains 2.5 grams of omega 3, 2.6 grams of protein, 92 mg of calcium, 54 mg of magnesium and 4.2 grams of fiber
  3. It has a neutral flavor, no aftertaste at all, and in fact, when you examine the numbers above, you’ll find that chia is a better source of omega 3 fatty acids that salmon, better source of protein (complete protein, has all amino acids that are necessary for muscle building, for example), more calcium than milk, and without the additives, without the hormones, without the milk allergies. It even has vitamin C.

So what, you ask? Well, if you want to know what eating this superfood can do for your body, then look at the cell level. The cells need these nutrients to be healthy, flexible, supple and young. I am talking about skin, muscles, bones, joints, and your brain.

The second area has something to do with your digestion:

  1. It assists you to stay slim by eliminating and delaying hunger two ways. 1. you get filled up by the “gel.” 2. Sometimes it is the undernourished cells that cry for food, not your stomach. With the nutrients you give your cells with this tiny marvel, your cells will purr with satisfaction.
  2. The combination of water soluble and not water soluble fiber, you become regular, easy stools, and the fibrous seeds scrub toxins off the walls of your intestines… so you’ll store less, and will have more energy, more brain power (less brain fog) etc.
  3. The third area: ENERGY. We all complain that we don’t have enough. With chia/salba you’ll have energy without any down effect. You’ll sleep better and wake up more energized, will be able to go through the afternoon slump without coffee, or less of it.
  4. Your heart and arteries run on cleaner “fuel” and your cholesterol can drop, your blood pressure can stabilize at normal, and the whole system will start humming like a well oiled (pun inteded) machine.
  5. If you have celiac disease, or are gluten intolerant or sensitive: good news

OK, where to find chia/salba seeds, whole or ground (I recommend you buy the whole seed and grind what you need in the small coffee grinder you can buy for cheap in any store that carries small household electical equipment), in spite of the fact that the ground chia does have a 9-month shelf life… probably longer if you store it in your refrigerator.

I wanted to sign up to an affiliate program, but didn’t find any good ones… so here is the address where I buy it: it cost half of what it cost elsewhere. Click here for Hidalgo Foods.

Other chia seed posts in the blogosphere

  1. Chia Obama: Obama Chia Pet Presidential Impersonator ” Right Pundits
  2. Gluten Free For Good
  3. Robyn’s Blog ” green smoothies
  4. McGuire on Media ” The newspaper demise is accelerating; the market …
  5. Virginia Miller Galleries Art Blog ” Archive du blog ” Autocycles
  6. Technopreneurs Association Malaysia (TeAM) ” Blog Archive ” Global …
  7. Blog PKS Jateng ” Blog Archive ” Undangan Menulis di Blog
  8. Robyn’s Blog ” extra ingredients for green smoothies [part 1 of 7]
  9. Paul’s Health Blog ” Foods That Athletes Use to Gain Strength and Endurance
  10. Vitesis ” Blog Archive ” HOLISTIC HEART HEALTH
  11. wilderness cooking – your guide to cooking in the backcountry
  12. Sleep…
  14. Papa Mike’s Blog ” Blog Archive ” 4-Pound, 4,800-Calorie Burger
  15. AhDoe – Music as an International Language ” Blog Archive ” Salzburg …
  16. Catholic heroes’ ashes interred at Holy Spirit columbarium — Catholic News
  17. Sometimes serious. Sometimes silly. Always real. ” Blog …
  18. The Medicine Woman’s Roots ” Golden Flax Bread
  19. The Grazing Lamb: Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia!

Talk back to me. Please leave a comment.

Laughter Yoga

I have found that your state (physiology) not only reflects but defines your state.

You can observe others or yourself. When you are depressed, or bored you slump, you hang your head… your physiology shows that you are depressed/bored.

If you want to change your mood, you first have to change your state. That is why exercise is such a great albeit temporary remedy of moods.

A more conscious state change is:

LAUGHTER Yoga…basically you just laugh until tears come out…

Start different types of laugh eg. gradient laugh (start with a whisper, building it up to a louder and louder laugh), lawn mover laugh, constipated laugh, etc… just be creative…I often practice my laughter yoga whenever I am stuck in traffic and what do you know, the traffic dispears…

Here are 10 reasons why it is important to laugh for NO reason!

1. a stress buster.

2. it strengthens the immune system and helps maintain good health.

3. it acts as an anti-aging therapy. Increases blood supply to the face. It nourishes the skin and
makes it glow.

4. It’s quite an aerobic exercise, just like any other standard aerobic exercise. You may feel out of breath… burns calories and enjoy all the benefits of exercise. Aerobic exercise works because the body needs more oxygen and the breathing becomes deeper. Any activity that can cause that is aerobic, regardless of the effort. For example bodyflex is based on this principle. It works like gangbuster.

5. Laughing, whether natural or “artificially induced” increases the levels of endorphins

6. helps control high blood pressure by reducing the release of stress-related hormones

7. helps unload depression, reduces anxiety and eases psychosomatic disorders.

8. laughter makes us creative and imaginative. It naturally improves our sense of humor.

9. It shrinks the hurts of everyday life to a smaller, if not inconsequential size. Whatever was bothering us seems now only a part of life, not all of life… It interrupts the power struggle and releases tension and anger.

10. makes you feel good and peaceful, self-confident and self-expressive.

One great tool is the video on this blog… when nothing else works, I just watch it an laugh along…

The Richest Man In Babylon

By George S. Clason

“A lean purse is easier to cure than to endure”

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Man Who Desired Gold
Chapter 2: The Richest Man in Babylon
Chapter 3: Seven Cures for a Lean Purse
Chapter 4: Meet the Goddess Of Good Luck
Chapter 5: The Five Laws of Gold
Chapter 6: The Gold Lender of Babylon
Chapter 8: The Camel Trader of Babylon
Chapter 9: The Clay Tablets from Babylon
Chapter 10: The Luckiest Man in Babylon
The History of Babylon

Ahead of you stretches your future, like a road leading into the distance. Along that road are ambitions you wish to accomplish… desires you wish to gratify.

To bring your ambition and desires to fulfillment, you must be successful with money. Use the financial principles made clear in the pages which follow.

Let them guide you away from the stringencies of a lean purse to that fuller, happier life a full purse makes possible.

Like the law of gravity, they are universal and unchanging. May they prove for you, as they have proven to so many others, a sure key to a fat purse, larger bank balances, and gratifying financial progress.

Chapter 1: The Man Who Desired Gold

Bansir, the chariot builder of Babylon, was thoroughly discouraged. From his seat upon the law wall surrounding his property, he gazed sadly at his simple home and the open workshop in which stood a partially completed chariot.

His wife frequently appeared at the open door. Her furtive glances in his direction reminded him that the meal bag was almost empty and he should be at work finishing the chariot, hammering and hewing, polishing and painting, stretching taut the leather over the wheel rims, preparing it for delivery so he could collect from his wealthy customer.

Nevertheless, his fat, muscular body sat stolidly upon the wall. His slow mind was struggling patiently with a problem for which he could find no answer. The hot, tropical sun, so typical of this valley of the Euphrates, beat down upon him mercilessly. Beads of perspiration formed upon his brow and trickled down unnoticed to lose themselves in the hairy jungle on his chest.

Beyond his home towered the high terraced walls surrounding the king’s palace. Nearby, cleaving the blue heavens, was the painted tower of the Temple of Bel. In the shadow of such grandeur was his simple home and many others far less neat and well cared for.

Babylon was like this: a mixture of grandeur and squalor, of dazzling wealth and direst poverty, crowded together without plan or system within the protecting walls of the city.

Bansir was too engrossed in his own problem to hear or heed the confused hubbub of the busy city. It was the unexpected twanging of the strings from a familiar lyre that aroused him from his reverie. He turned and looked into the sensitive, smiling face of his best friend, Kobbi, the musician.

“May the Gods bless you with great liberality, my good friend,” began Kobbi with an elaborate salute. “Yet it does appear they have already been so generous you need not to labor. I rejoice with you in your good fortune. More, I would even share it with you. Pray, from your purse which must be bulging else you wouldst be busy in your shop, extract but two humble shekels and lend them to me until after the noblemen’s feast this night. you will not miss them ere they are returned.”

“If I did have two shekels,” Bansir responded gloomily, “to no one could I lend them – not even to you, my best of friends; for they would be my fortune – my entire fortune. No one lends his entire fortune, not even to his best friend.”

“What,” exclaimed Kobbi with genuine surprise, “You has not one shekel in your purse, yet sit like a statue upon a wall! Why not complete that chariot? How else canst you provide for your noble appetite? ‘Tis not like you, my friend. Where is the endless energy? Doth something distress you? Have the Gods brought to you troubles?”

“A torment from the Gods it must be,” Bansir agree. “It began with a dream, a senseless dream, in which I thought I was a man of means. From my belt hung a handsome purse, heavy with coins. There were shekels which I cast with careless freedom to the beggars; there were pieces of silver with which I did buy finery for my wife and whatever I did desire for myself; there were pieces of gold which made me feel assured of the future and unafraid to spend the silver. A glorious feeling of contentment was within me! You would not have known me for your hard-working friend. Nor would have known my wife, so free from wrinkles was her face and shining with happiness. She was again the smiling maiden of our early married days.”

“A pleasant dream, indeed,” commented Kobbi, “but why should such pleasant feelings as it aroused turn you into a glum statue upon the wall?”

“Why, indeed!” Because when I awoke and remembered how empty was my purse, a feeling of rebellion swept over me. Let us talk it over together, for, as the sailors do say, we ride in the same boat, we two.”

“As youngsters, we went together to the priests to learn wisdom. As young men, we shared each other’s pleasures. As grown men, we have always been close friends.”

“We have been contented subjects of our kind. We have been satisfied to work long hours and spend our earnings freely.

“We have earned much coin in the years that have passed, yet to know the joys that come from wealth, we must dream about them.”

“Bah! Are we more than dumb sheep? We live in the richest city in all the world. The travelers do say none equals it in wealth.”

“About us is much display of wealth, but of it we ourselves have naught. After half a lifetime of hard labor, you, my best of friends, have an empty purse and say to me, ‘May I borrow such a trifle as two shekels until after the noblemen’s feast this night?’ Then what do I reply? Do I say ‘Here is my purse; its contents will I gladly share?’ No, I admit that my purse is as empty as yours. What is the matter? Why cannot we acquire silver and gold–more than enough for food and robes?”

“Consider, also, our sons,” Bansir continued, “are they not following in the footsteps of their fathers? Need they and their families and their sons and their sons’ families live all their lives in the midst of such treasurers of gold, and yet, like us, be content to banquet upon sour goat’s milk and porridge?”

“Never, in all the years of our friendship, did you talk like this before, Bansir.” Kobbi was puzzled.

“Never in all those years did I think like this before. From early dawn until darkness stopped me, I have labored to build the finest chariots any man could make, soft-heartedly hoping some day the Gods would recognize my worthy deeds and bestow upon me great prosperity. This they have never done. At last, I realize this they will never do. Therefore, my heart is sad. I wish to be a man of means. I wish to own lands and cattle, to have fine robes and coins in my purse. I am willing to work for these things with all the strength in my back, with all the skill in my hands, with all the cunning in my mind, but I wish my labors to be fairly rewarded. What is the matter with us? Again I ask you! Why cannot we have our just share of the good things so plentiful for those who have the gold with which to buy them?”

“Would I knew an answer!” Kobbi replied. “No better than you am I satisfied. My earnings from my lyre are quickly gone. Often must I plan and scheme that my family be not hungry. Also, within my breast is a deep longing for a lyre large enough that it may truly sing the strains of music that do surge through my mind. With such an instrument could I make music finer than even the king has heard before.”

“Such a lyre you should have. No man in all Babylon could make it sing more sweetly; could make it sing so sweetly, not only the king but the Gods themselves would be delighted. But how may you secure it while we both of us are as poor as the king’s slaves? Listen to the bell! Here they come.” He pointed to the long column of half naked sweating water bearers plodding laboriously up the narrow street from the river. Five abreast they marched, each bent under a heavy goatskin of water.

“A fine figure of a man, he who leads them.” Kobbi indicated the wearer of the bell who marched in front without a load. “A prominent man in his own country, it is easy to see.”

“There are many good figures in the line,” Bansir agreed, “as good men as we. Tall, blond men from the north; laughing black men from the south; little brown men from the nearer countries. All marching together, from the river to the gardens, back and forth, day after day, year after year. Naught of happiness to look forward to. Beds of straw upon which to sleep; hard grain porridge to eat. Pity the poor brutes, Kobbi!”

“Pity them I do. Yet, you make me see how little better off are we, free men though we call ourselves.”

“That is truth, Kobbi, unpleasant thought though it is. We do not wish to go on year after year living slavish lives. Working, working, working! Getting nowhere.”

“Might we not find out how others acquire gold and do as they do?” Kobbi inquired.

“Perhaps there is some secret we might learn if we but sought from those who knew,” replied Bansir thoughtfully.

“This very day,” suggested Kobbi, “I did pass our old friend, Arkad, riding his golden chariot. This I will say, he did not look over my humble head as many in his station might consider it right. Instead, he did wave his hand that all onlookers might see him pay greetings and bestow his smile of friendship upon Kobbi, the musician.”

“He is claimed to be the richest man in all Babylon,” Bansir mused.

“So rich, the king is said to seek his golden aid in affairs of the treasury,” Kobbi replied.

“So rich,” Bansir interrupted, “I fear if I should meet him in the darkness of the night, I should lay my hands upon his fat wallet.”

“Nonsense,” reproved Kobbi, “a man’s wealth is not in the purse he carries. A fat purse quickly empties if there be no golden stream to refill it. Arkad has an income that constantly keeps his purse full, no matter how liberally he spends.”

“Income, that is the thing,” ejaculated Bansir. “I wish an income that will keep flowing into my purse whether I sit upon the wall or travel to far away lands. Arkad must know how a man can make an income for himself. Do you suppose it is something he could make clear to a mind as slow as mine?”

“I think he did teach his knowledge to his son, Nomasir,” Kobbi responded. “Did he not go to Nineveh and, so it is told at the inn, became, without aid from his father, one of the richest men in that city?”

“Kobbi, you bring to me a rare thought.” A new light gleamed in Bansir’s eyes. “It costs nothing to ask wise advice from a good friend and Arkad was always that. Never mind though our purses are as empty as the falcon’s nest of a year ago. Let that not detain us. We are weary of being without gold in the midst of plenty. We wish to become men of means. Come, let us go to Arkad and ask how we, also, may acquire incomes for ourselves.”

“You speak with true inspiration, Bansir, You bring to my mind a new understanding. You make me realize the reason why we have never found any measure of wealth. We never sought it. You have labored patiently to build the staunchest chariots in Babylon. To that purpose was devoted your best endeavors. Therefore, at it you succeeded. I strove to become a skillful lyre player. And, at it, I did succeed.

“In those things toward which we exerted our best endeavors, we succeeded. The Gods were content to let us continue thus. Now, at last, we see a light, bright like that from the rising sun. It bids us to learn more that we may prosper more. With a new understanding we shall find honorable ways to accomplish our desires.”

“Let us go to Arkad this very day,” Bansir urged. “Also, let us ask other friends of our boyhood days, who have fared no better than ourselves, to join us that they, too, may share in his wisdom.”

“You were ever so thoughtful of your friends, Bansir. Therefore have you many friends. It shall be as you say. We go this day, and take them with us.”

Click here to read Chapter 2

Just For Fun…

I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner.

I took out my wallet, got out ten dollars and asked, ‘If I give you this money, will you buy wine with it instead of dinner?’

‘No I had to stop drinking years ago,’ the homeless woman told me.

‘Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?’ I asked.

‘No, I don’t waste time shopping,’ the homeless woman said. ‘I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive.’

‘Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?’ I asked.

‘Are you NUTS !’ replied the homeless woman. ‘ I haven’t had my hair done in 20 years!’

‘Well,’ I said, ‘I’m not going to give you the money. Instead, I’m going to take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight.’

The homeless Woman was shocked ‘Won’t your husband be furious with you for doing that? I know I’m dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting.’

I said, ‘That’s okay. It’s important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine.’

Why Bones Hate Cheeseburgers?

… Let me count the ways…

Why is it that cheeseburger is bad for you?

I saw an interesting video the other day on youtube about the many ways milk causes you to have osteoporosis (1). While it was a really good video, and osteoporosis is one of the ways cheeseburger is bad for you, it doesn’t mention the second reason that even less people know, and that is, that cheese is very strongly acid producing.

Milk itself is relatively harmless from this (acid/alkaline) point of view, but cheese, after the alkalanizing/neutral whey is removed (which is the liquid part of the milk with some protein), and processed (every cheese is processed, because cheese does not occur in nature without human interference!) the sharper (i.e. tastier) the cheese, the more acid forming it becomes.Parmesan cheese is the most acid-forming of the cheeses tested in the study I read.

I found a very interesting fact in another study: not all proteins are created equal… when you look at their acid forming tendencies. Most animal proteins are strongly acid forming, plant proteins are offset by the alkaline forming content of the plant. And a third type of protein: whey protein, though it is animal protein (the part of the milk that isn’t used for cheese, sour cream or heavy cream…) but it seems to be non-acid forming.

If the different studies on protein’s acid forming nature come up with different results, the above 3 categories are at the root of that.

If you are a body builder, or an athlete, you need a lot of protein. If you doubled up on the type of protein your typical American lives on, you would have little standing power, little energy, little patience, you would have arthritic complaints, pain, etc. So athletes drink a lot of protein drinks, and the smart athletes drink protein drinks with whey protein… which is at the root of their endurance.

Being overly acidic makes you tired, makes you lose bone mass, and sets you up to all kinds of diseases, including faster aging, etc.

Watch out for another article on the influence of food combining on energy, acidity and bone loss… Coming soon.

What You Don’t Know That You Don’t Know…

A few years ago my mother visited me from Europe. I saw her for the first time in 10 years. It was very stressful. As soon as she left, I came down with extreme fatigue. I tried to rest, I tried to pop vitamins, I tested “every kind of elixir known to man” I felt. I didn’t feel better.

Every day I felt worse.

I went and saw an MD, had tests done… nothing. I got to the point that I needed help to get up and go to the bathroom.

On a sunny Wednesday my MD told me that from that point I was on my own… he could not help me.

I went home. I had hired a personal trainer to help me get strong enough to walk. In addition, he had an MS in nutrition.

When I got home from the MD, weeping, the trainer was waiting for me. I told him what the doctor said… and he said: I can help you. Are you interested?

I had nothing to lose. I said yes. He asked for a piece of paper and wrote down something, told me to have one of my assistants go the the health food store, and that I should follow the diet that he prescribed to me.

It was a weird diet, but I promised.

On Saturday, when I woke up in the morning, I walked to the bathroom… and then I realized; Oh my God, I am walking.

I recovered from my incurable disease in about 2-3 months. At the end I felt better than I had felt in years.

Why am I telling you this story, you ask?

This is what I learned from this story, myself.

When something doesn’t work, your health, your relationship, your business, there is something that you don’t know.

In my case I didn’t know that the Ibuprofen I took 3 times a day made my guts leaky, and I was self poisoning.

The diet the guy put me on was eating 2 meals a day that consisted of a simple protein drink made of whey protein, and a red potato in the afternoon.

And here is the “distinction”:

When something is not working, there is something that you don’t know. And in addition to you not knowing something: you don’t know that you don’t know that. And ALL POWER COMES FROM FINDING OUT WHAT YOU DIDN’T KNOW THAT YOU DIDN’T KNOW.

If you knew you did know it, you would ask questions, and you would find out.

Instead: you think you know. You base your actions on the things you know, and what you know is incorrect, or incomplete.

I was sure that I was eating right. I was sure that taking Ibuprofen to my fibromyalgia was a good thing for me. I was sure that taking more vitamins was going to make me better. I was sure that the tests would show the doctor what was wrong with me. I had no doubt on my mind that what I knew was so.

Only when, out of desperation, I allowed someone else’s knowing to guide me, that I got better.

I have many examples of this distinction that I can share with you in later posts.

For now… consider that if things are not working there is something that you don’t know. And you don’t know that you don’t know it…

I write about this “what you don’t know you don’t know on another blog of mine

More about Pregnant Man

“A married man who used to be a woman says that he is pregnant and will give birth to a baby girl in July.”
When asked how it feels to be a pregnant man, Thomas Beatie replied:
“Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am.” Mr. Beatie was born female, named Tracy Lagondino, but had gender reassignment surgery and is now legally male and married to a woman.

She was born on Hawaii and fell in love with the woman he/she now lives as his legal wife.

Here are a few pictures of her:

Now, I am sure you want to know what I think about this “mess”.

Well, I am just learning that there is a legal definition “male” and there is a scientific definition “male”.

And in this case the two definitions don’t match… I wonder if I could apply for a gender change. I see that I would have a lot of benefits… let me not share all. But for one: I always wanted to have someone around who would pick up after me, cook me good dinner, pick my clothes for me, and it would be real difficult to find a man to do that for me, and in addition: I don’t think I would be attracted to a man who is like that.

Also, given my age, it is near impossible to find a boy friend, but if I were a 60 year old man, I am sure I would have girl friends fall over to be with me. hmmm.

Otherwise? I don’t know. I wish I knew where our preferences really come from.

As a coach, I have worked with gay men, and in each case we could identify a defining moment, but then again, it could have been already programmed… and come out at that particular time. I don’t know. But I think this story is interesting and thought provoking.

Here is a link to an article in Advocate

Procrastination: A Case Study

This article is going to be eclectic: I am taking methods and distinctions from Werner Erhard, from Robert Fritz, from Eckhart Tolle… and of humble myself… hey, after 22 years of transformational coaching I do have my own methods and distinctions!

So let’s start right away.

I am going to recount a conversation from yesterday: this way you’ll have an example or two, plus what I did to loosen the grip of procrastination.

During a group project, one of the participants became restless and spiteful. He loved what we were doing, building a strong foundation for their business, yet, he kept interrupting the process by urging us to do something that will make him a quick 6 grands.

Instead of continuing as if nothing happened, I chose to address the issue.

In this group we are building a foundation for a new business that — if it is well constructed — will make money, almost on auto-pilot for years and years and years, for each participant.

Yet, both participants regularly come to the call, unprepared, waiting for the group to do for them what they need… even though every person is building their own business. Or should. But instead, they are not doing anything, or better said, they are doing everything else.

Which is why I titled this article “procrastination”.

Procrastination is when you are doing lots of things, instead of what you know you would most benefit from.

You know you are procrastinating, because in the bottom of your being there is a restlessness, there is a sense that you are doing something that cheats you out of what’s your due, and that you are damaging yourself and your life.

The conversation, that you are aware of, says something like this: “I should be doing something else.”

The person, let’s call him G., says that it is like demons arise and take possession of him.

I know about demons. Demons are like many other creatures, ego, pain body, jealousy, etc. only survive in the periphery of our vision, in the shadows. They are threatening, they take possession of you, because you are afraid to look them square in the eye and see them for what they are: constructs of your ego.

So let’s see how we can stare procrastination demon down and make him to leave you alone.

First: we must know that procrastination wears an invisible cloak… and only if you manage to undress it naked, get to its core, that you can actually win against it.

We can only get to the core of it, if we manage to undress it from the layers of cloaks that intend to hide its real nature.

You’ll see, it is quite simple, once you know how.

The top “cloak” is: there must be something wrong with me that I am not doing what I am supposed to do.
Next layer: Not doing what I am supposed to do is wrong.
Next layer: If I am not doing that which I am supposed to do, something will happen and it is bad. Baaaaad.
Next layer: It’s bad because if I don’t do what I am supposed to do, the consequences are going to be bad. I would prefer a miracle…
Last layer: Having that is really bad. How it is is really bad. It needs to be fixed.

Let’s stop here: this is the layer where it is becoming obvious that this is an ego construct. Only the ego would consider that ‘how it is’ is wrong. Only the ego. The self is never concerned, the self is never comparing, and bad only exists in comparison with good… and therefore comparison is an ego move.

The next step is to examine what is so, what is the ego complaining about saying it shouldn’t be.

In our case, G is $300 in the red… meaning that he probably overdrew his account with this month’s rent check.

And that is really bad… whines the ego. And that really needs to be fixed… maybe with 6 grands… today? tomorrow? fast!

Now let’s see what we can do with this. You need to admit, that most people would go to the same place as G went with this fact. Except: the mindset that this decision: “6 grands is the goal,” comes from has a negative vibration, it takes him out of his present, where he would have power to act coherently and intelligently, and succeed. This decision puts him in a place where “flailing”, haste, ineffective action, scrambling, etc. happens.

The attention is kept on what shouldn’t be… and because only a fragment of the available attention is on what one could do… the actions are ineffective, and even more damaging than no action.

So what is to do?

I say, bring yourself to the present moment. Look through facts and not interpretations. How I normally explain how to do that is through an analogy: what would you see if you were an alien, like a visiting Martian, who is unfamiliar with our culture. What would you see, what would you say then.

Here is what a visiting Martian would say: there is a minus sign at the end of your balance sheet. I hear that the best when that sign is a plus. When you have a positive balance. The difference is $300.

That was helpful, right?

Next step: Let’s examine the “goal” of quickly making 6,000 dollars. What’s wrong with that, you say? Lots, lots. You’ll see.

The number came from thin air. There is no rhyme or rhythm to it. The ego will use it to take you out… *

What should you say instead? I suggest that you sit down and examine what is your necessary outflow a month, rent, internet, phone, etc.

You look if there is any expense that you can easily eliminate. Like in the past week I canceled three monthly subscriptions that I can live without. Total $168 savings. Monthly.

When you are done, you have a number. That is the minimum you must make a month to pay your obligations. Budget some money for food and transportation… add it up, and that is your minimum goal for the next month. **

Most likely, just like G, you are not making that sum reliably… so that is your goal for the next month. If you are making more than that… this example is not for you.

When, instead, you throw out a number that is way out of what you can believe, you will sabotage yourself and do nothing.

Create a plan, and make the plan a solid one, that you can count on that money being generated month after month. Don’t create a temporary project, it will fail you on the level of life. Once you can fulfill that minimum goal, you can either work on increasing your earnings, by 10-20 percent at a time, or start working, in your spare time, on a new project that can make a steady second income.

You’ll see, that when you interact with reality with reality based goals, procrastination will leave… it can’t stand you being clear, being in the present, being powerful.

In the next article we’ll talk about how to start a business and what you need to have a chance to be successful at it.

*(I’ll write about this in a subsequent article…)
**(Unless you want to follow the principles in The Richest Man in Babylon, then add 10 percent on top of it, so that you can start your wealth fund account at the same time, and another 10 percent if you have debts to pay off.)

*** Visit my blogs on squdoo   eckhart-tolles-distinctions-in-a-new-earth and distinctions